How to Straighten an Image in Photoshop Featured Image

How to Straighten an Image in Photoshop

Straightening an image in Photoshop can be done using a variety of techniques. This article will cover the simplest ways for you.

We’ll talk about using the ruler tool to quickly design and straighten an image, the crop tool to crop and level an image, and RAW filtering, which can fix any perspective issues to straighten an image.

Finally, we’ll examine each tool and weigh its advantages and disadvantages regarding image straightening.

How to Straighten an Image in Photoshop [Step-by-step guide]


Below are the process of straightening an image in various ways.

Examining the Horizons Level

First, determine whether the horizon is level or tilted before we look at photo straightening. While it’s optional to know whether the horizon is tilted or not to utilize the tools we explain, you might find it beneficial.

Here is a quick method for using Photoshop’s Guides to verify.

By choosing “View | New Guide…” from the menu, you can create a new guide in Photoshop.

Add a new Horizontal Guide when the New Guides dialog box appears. Choose the Move Tool from the Tools Palette once the new Guide has been added. It resembles a cross with arrows sticking out of each end. Another tool in a similar group may be visible if you can’t see it.

The Ruler Tool

Older versions of Photoshop have the ruler tool. If that applies to your program, follow these instructions to straighten an image in older versions of Photoshop.

Click the Ruler tool from the options bar, which is located just below the eyedropper tool.

Select the ruler tool and “drag along” the tool when checking something.

Select “Rotate Canvas-Arbitrary” within the ruler tool and click “OK.” The dialog box with the suggestion will appear in Photoshop.

The image can then be rotated using the ruler tool till it seems straight. Users can use the crop tool to remove the image’s outer edges and reposition the picture if necessary.

Although you need particular versions of Photoshop to use the ruler tool in Photoshop, it works well. It’s a quick method of image alignment.

The Crop Tool

It’s advisable to use the crop tool to go right to the important parts of your image if it’s uneven. Using the crop tool, you can eliminate any white space and permanently straighten an image.

Choose the “Crop Tool” from the list of Photoshop tools in all Photoshop versions. To start sketching the new dimensions for your image, locate the straighten option in your option’s bar and click it.

Begin with one corner of your image and drag across a line where the straight edge should be. Photoshop automatically straightens and trims the image to your new line when you release the mouse button or toolbar.

To save the most recent version of your photo, approve the crop. Like in some Photoshop versions, you can click and pick a corner to start sketching a rectangular or square.

You now have your straightened image after verifying the revised crop. If your image is seriously out of alignment, cropping allows you to remove extraneous white space or correct it by slightly zooming in. It solves two problems at once.

The Distort Tool

Use Photoshop’s distortion tool to trick the view without losing perspective.

Open your photo in Photoshop or select and drag it into the program to work on individual elements of the image rather than the entire picture.

To access your settings, locate the “transform” menu under “Edit” in the options bar. Select “Distort” to edit the picture’s various layers and give it a more rectilinear appearance.

Once you’ve customized the image, crop it to ensure there is no blank space, and the image layers are positioned where you require them. Select and drag the perspective to better understand your warped image.

Non-vertical Lines Technique

This straightforward Photoshop technique will help you determine whether the problem is with your perception or the actual quality of the image. This method works best when you are unsure whether your photo needs to be straightened.

Choose the image in Photoshop by clicking it, then carefully examine the lines it has to decide if they are where your image needs to go.

To open a grid configuration, utilize the guidelines functionality. If the image is slightly off, you’ll be able to notice it immediately away and make adjustments using the grid. Simple Photoshop options like this are also helpful if you need help locating the proper modifications.

Straightening Warped Image

With the appropriate straightening technique, you may control the appearance of your final image if you work in RAW or are still using Photoshop CC. Each of these aids in developing your skills to be a successful photographer.

You have a range of alternatives when using the Photoshop Straighten Image tools. The exact straightening tools in Adobe Photoshop assist you in getting the desired image. Straighten your shot for the greatest outcomes and to produce a dynamic image regardless of perspective.

The straighten tool is one of the nicest and simplest capabilities in the entire application, and using them is simple and easy. Crooked photos will never damage your gallery again.

Final Words

Straightening an image in photoshop isn’t rocket science. You just need to know all the steps and execute them properly. We hope the points and elaboration are easy enough to understand the entire process of using all tools. Once you know executing all the methods, straightening photos in photoshop is really fun!

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