How to Select All of One Color in Photoshop Featured Image

How to Select All of One Color in Photoshop

Photoshop is indeed a treasure chest of tools for various editing tasks in the photography world. Adobe made photo editing so simple that if you’re seeking a way to select all of one color in Photoshop, you will discover various tools and possibilities.

With the saturation adjustment in different image regions, you may dynamically modify the color you want with the magic wand tools, eyedropper tool and other innovative tools. However, it would be best if you first learned how to choose a color range before you begin.

Now, without further ado, let’s hop into Photoshop.

The Step-By-Step Guide On Selecting All of One Color in Photoshop:


There are several options for changing single color in the photo. First, we will show you how to modify your image in the simplest and quickest method possible.

All you need to do is follow the steps outlined below.

Method 1: Eye Dropper Tool

To perform Photoshop select by color in an image, the first tool you can try using is the Eye Dropper Tool. We have broken down the entire process into several segments for your convenience.

Segment 1: Color Range Selection:

The method will work for photographs with a single backdrop color and two or three distinct colors. Now, open the image in Photoshop and make a pick from one of the hues. In this article, we will start with the blue backdrop behind the model.

You need to create a new layer, and, after that, click Select> Color Range.

Color Range Selection

Segment 2: Dialogue Box:

In the Dialogue box, Select the Sampled Colors, and next, you can choose different Eye droppers here to assemble different colors. After that, click on the background layer and pick an option from the selection preview.

From greyscale, black matte, white matte, and a quick mask, you can choose any one preview to continue editing. In this photo, we will select greyscale.

Dialogue Box

You can use the plus Eyedropper tool to select the whole background instead of the regular one. Choose the entire backdrop and turn it into white with a few clicks.

Segment 3: Hue Selection:

Go to the Layer tab in the upper left corner of the screen and select New Adjustment Layer and then Hue/Saturation. Hue selection is the most crucial part of color selection tools in Photoshop.

Hue Selection

After clicking Ok on the next dialogue box, you will be able to change the hues, and the saturation, make adjustments with the brightness, and all.

Hue Selection

Segment 4: Change the color:

Now that you know how to change a single color in the photo, it will be easier to change the same colors scattered throughout the picture.

Create a New layer again> Select> Color Range> Eyedropper tool> click on the color you want to change.

Read Also: How to Change Background Color

You can choose fuzziness to pick the colors perfectly.

Then go to Layer>New Adjustment layer> Hue/Saturation and change the selected color into your desirable one.

Change the color

Method 2: Use Sky Select Tool:

Like the changing background scenario in the previous photo, you can change any background; for example, the sky selects by color Photoshop. Another tool is Sky Select Tool.

  • Step 01: Go to the Select tab and click on the sky menu.
  • Step 02: As we want to change the background only, stay on the Select Menu and click Inverse or Shift+Ctrl+I in the keyword.
  • Step 03: Click on Select and Mask or Alt+Ctrl+R on the keyboard.
  • Step 04: Use the middle brush> Refine Edge Tool> and paint the area other than the sky.
  • Step 05: to get the final result, you change the Output to the New Layer with Layer Mask. Lastly, click OK. You will see the sky is replaced with a white background.

Method 03: Use the Magic Background Eraser Tool:

Another useful tool is the magic Eraser tool to select the same color in the image. As the name suggests, this tool will erase any part of the photo with similar color with just a few clicks. To start editing the photo, create a duplicate layer first.

  • Step 01: Find the Eraser menu and click on the Magic Eraser option.
  • Step 02: Start clicking on the part of the photo that you want to erase. If any part is left out, you can erase it in the next step.
  • Step 03: Again, go to the Eraser option and click the Eraser tool to erase the parts where the color remains.

After all the steps are done, you will find the whole background transparent.

Selecting and Separating One Color in Photoshop:

By selecting all in one color in Photoshop, you can separate that one color from the other colors in the photo. You might have seen only one particular color in an image, and different colors are edited with a black and white shade.

Color Range Selection

We will use this image in Photoshop to show you the whole process. We will keep the yellow color intact and change the surroundings. After that-

  • Duplicate the Layer to a New Layer
  • Select the Bottom Layer
  • Go to image>Adjustments> Desaturate
  • Select the Top Layer
  • Go to Select>Color Range> Eye Dropper Tool

With the Eye Dropper tool, you will isolate the yellow color only. Keep selecting it with clicks; the yellow balloon will pop up in the Color Range Box. Click Ok when you think you are done.

Selecting and Separating One Color in Photoshop 2

  • Click on the Layer Mask, and the color will change automatically to the layer mask.
  • Click on the black and white option to edit the parts more accurately in the view section.

Selecting and Separating One Color in Photoshop 3

You can select all one color by Photoshop using other tools you can use for the same purpose: Brush, Vibrance, Area, and Subject select tool.

How Can The Color Selection Tool Help You Edit?

With the help of the tools mentioned above, you can change the colors of the clothes, shoes, and similar products for an online shop. You don’t need to take photos of the same object multiple times.

You can also change the view of a photo with different colors. Like the last photo, you can make your images aesthetically pleasing and trendy.


The knowledge of techniques and tools you have learned today will help you edit the photos where the color differences are obvious. Before jumping into how to select all of one color in Photoshop, it would help if you take the picture in a studio with a solid background.

Hopefully, this article helped you to learn the basics. You can keep practicing the techniques on different product images on a model’s body, portraits, or similar images were selecting only one color is the only requirement while editing.

You can follow this video:

Frequently Asked Questions:

How Do I Isolate One Color in Photoshop?

To isolate one color in Photoshop, open up the photo in Adobe, and click on adjustment> Layer> background>duplicate. Please select all the areas of the image and click on adjustment>desaturate> select tab>color range>select the colored part of the photo that you want to isolate>put it in white matte.

It will absorb the color in the grayscale for the mask and, lastly, overlay with the little button on the left of fx. And you will be done.

How Do I Select All of One Color to Delete in Photoshop?

You can use the magic wand tool to select and remove one color. Open the image and choose Magic Wand. Next, select the color you want to remove. Adjusting the tolerance depends on your vision and is optional.

Select Ctrl+Shift+I and select the image layer to add a mask.

How Do You Select Multiple Colors in Photoshop?

On the upper middle part of the screen, you will find the new Layer Tab. Find the Color Range option and select your desired colors. You can use the Eyedropper tool to sample colors in the image. After selecting, use fuzziness to adjust the coloring and make it more accurate.

How Do I Make Just One Object Colored in Photo?

To make one object colored and the remaining portion black and white, you need to duplicate the Layer, desaturate the image, select an accent color, invert the selection and do the finishing touch-ups.

How Do I Select a Color Range in Photoshop?

After opening Adobe Photoshop, you will see the Select tab in the middle of the screen. Click the Select menu, and find the Color Range option at the end. Click to select.